Monday, July 11, 2011

CNC touch probes review

Looking for a simple inexpensive touch probe for parts measuring and hexapod calibration, during last two months I became a kind of market expert in touch probes. So, here's a summary of my investigations.

There are many top-quality industrial probes with 1um and better precision, based on kinematic, optical or strain gauge technologies. The most popular industrial probes are Renishaw.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Nice parallel robots from Hungary

Very nice homemade parallel robots by József Papp. All controlled by EMC2.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

EMC2 hexapod: the beginning

The project aims to:
 - prove the possibility to build 5 axis machine tool with decent performance out of cheap imprecise components;
- develop simple and effective desigh of joints and actuators for parallel machine tools;
- elaborate automated methods to calibrate parallel machine tool without expensive equipment.

Available information on existing multiaxis parallel machines was analysed and evaluated. The following considerations and requirements to parallel mechanism and its components were taken into account:
1. Single-type actuators for all dof to minimize the number of components. That leads to fully parallel machines only.
2. The simpliest possible design of all components to minimize manufacturing cost.
3. The lowest precision of base frame so that it could be weld and bolted with no additional equipment.
4. The servo motors preferred to steppers - they do not lose steps, have uniform torque up to maximum rotation speed.
5. The base frame should be tall enough to provide free access to working envelope and wide enough to be steady.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I just did what I probably should have done some time ago - created blog about parallel machines. Here I'll try to post details on EMC2 hexapod being built right now, and probably some ideas, plans, interesting links etc. Comments and opinions are welcome. If you're interested, subscribe to this blog.
English is not my native language, so please be tolerant to possible mistakes.